Krish Metal

Press break machine

Press break machine

Krish Metal Hydraulic Top Press Brake Machine Manufacturers in Pune Maharashtra, Maharashtra, are designed and developed through years of experience in sheet metal working machinery. Krish Metal Press Brakeise was developed by keeping the latest technology in mind. Both cylinders are mounted at the back side of the press back and are synchronized for parallel between the ram & table by providing mechanical links connected with the cylinder.

Top Press Brake Machine Manufacturers in Pune Maharashtra

The heavy duty steel construction frame is so designed to absorb heavy shocks of overload. All welding edges are properly machined for best weld joins. The electro control is fixed on side wall at conventional place for easy reach of operator. It includes push button pendant and foot switch. Standard “V” Block & “V” Punch and manually operated back gauge system which is front operated are supplied as a standard accessories. Hydraulic components are of reputed make like Videkers, Rexroth, Dowty, Yiken, Polyhydron etc.

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